Almost 12 years ago did I started taking Taekwondo classes. First it at Secondary school, then I dropped the thing thinking I'll never go back into the art.
Then, in 2011-ish, a new center opened up in my area, just a 2 minutes drive into the local township, most convenient place of all. Perfect to get back to the art I once loved and enjoyed so much, along with my friends back then.
This time, just 2 of us got back and again with the most amazing intervention of providence, we learn from a Master that has a different but simply a strong philosophy and decades of teaching experience. From that day onwards my mind in Taekwondo was opened and I learn and learn about a lot more things, techniques, and histories about the martial art.
About a month ago, 9th March to be precise, I even took a swing at the 3rd Dan Black belt grading test to get further recognition. Results are still pending and it'll be longer before an official Kukkiwon certificate can be administered in my name.
This is what prompted me to write out this post, a record of how I feel after practicing this art all these years.
Also, I know I will persevere in following this art.
I am also truly grateful for the support I received all these years while pursuing the art I'm passionate about. Thank you.